Hello, friends! Today I have something near and dear to my heart to share with you. It's a new project that I am hoping will help lift spirits of those around the world and a way that will help spread kindness to those who may need it most.
Introducing Cards from the Heart.
Cards from the Heart was born after a conversation I had with Nicole from Friends4Kindness. I contacted Nicole after hearing about her non-profit and all that they do for children with (dis)abilities and those who have a bit of a hard time making friends.
You see, Friends4Kindness hosts Unbirthday Parties. Unbirthday Parties are open to those who normally don't get invited to parties or those who may be just a little bit shy and don't have any friends of their own. These parties are held in communities throughout Ontario are her initiative is growing every year! They include gifts, cake, activities, balloons, and are so much fun for the kids and adults who attend. It's an event where they can all feel included.
You can view the remaining dates for the upcoming Unbirthday Parties HERE!
The reason I contacted Nicole was because I also heard that Friends4Kindness sends these kids birthday cards every year, and simply put, I think that is amazing. Her volunteers meet once a month to write cards to the kids who have birthdays the following month and her list is growing as her parties get bigger and bigger.
With that, I knew immediately I needed to get involved. I have a large network of card makers who all like to make a difference and already contribute to a number of organizations and I thought I could help brighten up a child's day by collecting a handmade card for them. After all, we share what we love and love what we do. In this, we make a difference.
But I also knew I wanted to go bigger. There are so many other charities and organizations that rely on card donations. This include hospitals, hospices, the Ronald McDonald House, and so much more. There are even individuals out there that are simply going through a tough time and could use a little extra love and encouragement.
So with that, Cards from the Heart was born.
My goal is to reach as many people as possible. Everyone deserves to feel needed, loved, and to simply know that someone is thinking about them.
While I will be running our first Card Drive in September (for Friends4Kindness), we are now starting to collect cards to have them on hand for other organizations and individuals. If you have some cards taking up space in your craft room, we would gladly take them off of your hands! Heck, if you even wanted to make a few for us, we'd be forever grateful as we need to collect all occasion cards year-round!
You can read more about our needs and card donations HERE!
Aside from the cards, running a charity organization is hard work. It takes time, effort, and many different resources. When you shop Stampin' Up! products with me, my commission directly supports this new initiative. So if you don't already have a Demonstrator and are in Canada, I would love to be yours. You can shop directly online HERE, and I thank you so much for your support. You can also read my full disclosure and others ways you can get involved here.
I very much appreciate you reading today's post and for supporting what I think is an amazing cause. It would be so awesome if you can share this post to help get the word out so we can reach as many people as possible.
Spreading kindness one card at a time. <3
*This blog post will appear on both Sweet Paper Studios and Cards from the Heart blog*